This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This material should be considered as general market commentary.
This summer, we thought we’d make things easier for the research team by putting the pressure on you, dear readers. What do you want to ask us? Let’s set a few ground rules up front: we’re not going to tell you where we scored on the political compass tests prior to the election. (You’ll have to guess our, very diversified, predilections from the slant of our editorials, you could probably start here.) We’re also not going to tell you where we live. Meanwhile, Alan Ray is the biggest fan of Taylor Swift on the team, and that’s all you’re getting on music. In fact, we’d rather keep it to business, and ask you what you want to know about investment trusts. This is your chance to put to our team any question on the topic you like. Have you always secretly doubted you understand how buybacks work? Do you want to know our opinion on whether gearing is worth it, whether dividends should be paid from capital or whether fund managers are ever wrong, or always just early? We’ll be gathering your questions over the next month, and answering the best (and maybe the most complimentary ones) in August. Please use the form below or scan the QR code.