This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This material should be considered as general market commentary.
Spring is in the air, and markets are twitching. In fact, ever since October last year, there seems to be a different dynamic in share prices: investors seem to be looking for reasons to buy rather than reasons to sell, as confidence grows that interest rates have peaked and any recession we experience in the developed world is likely to be modest. When recoveries come, they can be quick, and never more so than in the investment trust space where wide discounts can narrow dramatically in short order. With that in mind, the first week of our online, ISA season event looks at three areas which have been dramatically sold down in recent years, and asks whether there is value to be found. We will be discussing UK equities, Chinese equities and commercial property, with presentations from the managers in these sectors over four days. Below, our analysts discuss why they think their sectors could present a value opportunity.
The full schedule for our event, all timings and the registration forms are available at this link.
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