This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This material should be considered as general market commentary.
In the second part of our active management series, we take a deep dive into the numbers, using tracking error, concentration, gearing and sector movements to look at how active the managers are across the major closed-ended equity sectors; the UK All Companies, UK Equity Income, Global, Global Equity Income, Japan, Europe and North American sectors. We discuss which trusts stand out across the different metrics, and establish an overall ranking for each trust which shows how 'active' they are. As always, we are not recommending anything here, and this ranking should not be construed as anything other than a scale showing how 'active' each fund is relative to the other funds in the study, according to the metrics we have used. Neither are we suggesting that being very active is, in itself, meritorious.
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