This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This material should be considered as general market commentary.
The spice of life is variety. [It’s also a curry house in Glasgow, now sadly defunct.] Achieving variety by diversifying your assets has been an innate part of human risk management from time immemorial. Why else did the English Plantagenet kings maintain their claim to the French throne for so long? All investors, however, not just medieval royal families, have to consider how best to diversify the risks to which their wealth is exposed – whether they’re managing their own money or doing it professionally.
For regulatory as well as theoretical and philosophical reasons, most UK investors actively seek portfolio diversification. Increasingly, as the advice industry becomes ever more regulated, advisers are making use of multi-asset, multi-manager products as a one-stop shop, especially as the asset management industry has become increasingly attuned to the opportunities and benefits of scale they can offer.
We believe closed-ended multi-asset funds deserve greater consideration than they have received to date. There are a number of trusts with highly differentiated approaches which are able to invest in more esoteric and illiquid markets with greater freedom than their open-ended peers. Furthermore, they can also offer the opportunity to pick up assets on a discount to NAV, with consequent potential to boost returns.
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