This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This material should be considered as general market commentary.
MIGO Opportunities’ manager Nick Greenwood argues we are living through a “once in a generation” opportunity in the investment trust sector. This is chiefly because sentiment is so poor—and perhaps technical factors are playing a role too—that investment trust discounts are at extreme levels. Meanwhile, NAVs have also taken hits in most sectors as markets digest the meaning of higher rates for asset prices. We discussed some of these issues in a recent strategy note.
Next week we will be running a series of webinars with managers across a number of sectors where we think there may be an opportunity in the discount. The format is intended to be a discussion, with managers discussing with each other and with you, the audience, where the value is. Below we preview each of the four events, on Europe, Property, Private Equity, and the UK. Please send through any questions you’d like to put to the managers on the markets they invest in or on their funds, using the links below the texts.
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