This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. This material should be considered as general market commentary.
Jo Groves and Ryan Lightfoot-Aminoff from Kepler Trust Intelligence discuss the most notable news, reviews and interviews in the investment trust world in June.
We talk about the merger of Alliance Trust (ATST) and Witan (WTAN), alongside the unsuccessful IPO of the Special Opportunities REIT and the newly-announced enhanced dividend and discount management policy for Schroder Japan (SJG).
We also bring you the highlights from our recent small-cap webinar series with Nish Patel, manager of the Global Smaller Companies Trust (GSCT), Gervais Williams, manager of Miton UK MicroCap (MINI) and, finally, Joe Bauernfreund of AVI Japan Opportunity Trust (AJOT).
We round things off with the key talking points from our recent interview with Richard Sennitt, manager of Schroder Oriental Income (SOI), as well as results from Cordiant Digital Infrastructure (CORD) and Sequioa Economic Infrastructure (SEQI).
0:00 Welcome
00:26 Merger of Alliance Trust and Witan
01:31 Wider implications on the sector
03:13 Unsuccessful IPO of Special Opportunities REIT (SOR)
04:40 Opportunities for REIT investing
06:20 New dividend and discount management policy for Schroder Japan
08:44 Overview of small-cap event
09:23 Global Smaller Companies Trust
12:00 Miton UK MicroCap
13:41 AVI Japan Opportunity Trust
15:42 Schroder Oriental Income
18:55 Cordiant Digital Infrastructure results
20:37 Sequoia Economic Infrastructure results
23:07 Risk warning