Fund Profile


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Jupiter Green (JGC) has shifted its investment focus towards targeting smaller and more innovative companies (see Portfolio), arguably making it a more interesting proposition for all kinds of long-term investors. The new lead manager, Jon Wallace, has been working on the trust since 2014, ensuring a smooth transition when he took the reins in January 2021.

Jon is using JGC’s ability to be nimble (net assets of £63m) by investing at the smaller end of the market cap spectrum to access the most exciting companies developing environmental solutions. Many of these fast-growing and innovative companies are likely too small for most generalist investors or those with larger funds.

Jon has been finding most opportunities this year in the ‘accelerator’ bucket. Accelerators are those companies that have proven and scalable solutions and are gaining market share from established players. As a result, accelerators now represent 60% of the portfolio. Jon commented recently that COP26 illustrates the urgency of scaling up existing technologies so that they can start to have an impact in reducing carbon emissions as soon as possible, which he thinks should be a strong tailwind for the sort of companies he owns.

By investing in companies below the radar of most investors, JGC offers a differentiated proposition. When combined with the manager’s specialist knowledge and experience in this relatively niche area, as well as now having drawn down a modest level of gearing for the first time, we think JGC is well-positioned to benefit from the many changes that the global economy will make over the next decade.

Analyst's View

COP26 highlighted the variety of secular growth opportunities resulting from the need to decarbonise the global economy. JGC invests across six themes that reflect the manager’s view of the most attractive opportunities from sustainability. These include the circular economy, clean energy, water and sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health.

The change in the mandate to focus on ‘accelerators’ and ‘innovators’ will mean higher exposure to mid and small-cap companies worldwide. The impact of the change has already been seen in both the portfolio, but also the risk (as measured by volatility) and returns. JGC had a challenging period in the first half of the year, with market sentiment turning against growth stocks. That said, it’s encouraging that Jon kept confidence in his convictions, adding to holdings that had seen share prices fall. This has helped the trust recover strongly over the second half of the year so far.

JGC has traded on an average discount of c. 4% over the past five years. Enthusiasm for the new mandate and sustainability-themed funds has seen the discount narrow, the shares at times trading at a premium. Share issuance has allowed the trust to grow, which is encouraging, although it retains the ability to be nimble. We think JGC should appeal to all sorts of investors in that it provides a differentiated exposure to a high conviction portfolio of innovative and high-growth companies, which together are helping the transformation of the global economy to a more sustainable footing.

bull bear
Differentiated investment proposition makes JGC unique amongst funds and trusts offering a sustainable theme
Smaller and more innovative companies tend to be higher-risk propositions than ‘established leaders’
Long track record and experience of management team
Gearing will exacerbate the downside (as well as enhance the upside)
Discount has narrowed, and further share issuance means liquidity and OCF should continue to improve
Discount could widen, perhaps significantly
Continue to Portfolio

Fund History

20 Dec 2024 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
JGC announces the conclusion of its review…
26 Jul 2024 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
JGC’s board has announced a review of the future of the trust….
15 Apr 2024 Fund Analysis
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19 Dec 2023 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
Despite challenging market conditions this year, JGC sees a brighter outlook ahead…
26 Jul 2023 Fund Analysis
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13 Jul 2023 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
JGC delivered positive share price returns, despite a very volatile year…
21 Dec 2022 Reasons to be cheerful
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08 Dec 2022 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
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08 Dec 2022 Fund Analysis
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04 Oct 2022 How US investment in clean energy could help Jupiter Green
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21 Sep 2022 Jolly green giant
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22 Jul 2022 The mother of invention (and returns?)
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22 Jul 2022 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
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16 Jun 2022 Have green stocks been over sold?
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18 May 2022 Energy shock: looking at both sides of the coin
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30 Mar 2022 You say tomato…
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17 Dec 2021 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
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08 Dec 2021 Fund Analysis
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24 Nov 2021 Holding back the tears
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14 Jul 2021 Building back greener
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10 Jun 2021 Green is good!
2021 will see billions dedicated to sustainable initiatives, which brings with it a host of possible investment opportunities...
19 May 2021 Fund Analysis
JGC’s focus on mid/small caps seems to have been well-timed, and is now regularly issuing shares…
23 Apr 2021 Reuse, recycle and rethink sustainability
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10 Mar 2021 A true original
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04 Feb 2021 Eurovision 2021
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29 Jan 2021 Flash update: Jupiter Green
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16 Dec 2020 My haven’t you grown!
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15 Dec 2020 Results analysis: Jupiter Green
The team behind the newly revamped Jupiter Green believe the COVID crisis has sharpened the focus on sustainability, creating a multi-decade opportunity for companies in the portfolio…
04 Dec 2020 Slides and Audio: Jupiter Green
Our research team at Kepler Trust Intelligence hosted a 30 minute webinar update with Charlie Thomas, Head of Strategy, Environment & Sustainability at Jupiter Asset Management...
10 Nov 2020 Fund Analysis
JGC is now focussing on mid & small caps, which we see as a positive for its prospects…
View all

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