Updated 04 Oct 2024
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Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Investors have focused on a handful of communication and technology investments1 when investing for growth in the US market. AI technology companies have been an obvious choice at a time when investors were nervous about the outcome for the US economy. But with a soft landing for the US economy increasingly likely, there is evidence that investors are starting to broaden their focus, and look to other, fresher growth themes in the US market.

Emerging opportunities in US healthcare

The US healthcare sector has been supported by long-term demographic trends. Ageing populations around the world have created additional demand for medicines, while rising costs facilitates a need for increased efficiency within the healthcare ecosystem2. The number of Americans ages 65 and older is projected to increase from 58 million in 2022 to 82 million by 20503 and for many European countries, populations are ageing even faster.

There is also significant innovation in the healthcare sector. Breakthrough drugs on obesity, cancer and gene therapy could be a game-changer for a number of the pharmaceutical giants. In 2023, GLP1 drugs, designed to tackle obesity and diabetes, proved to be blockbusters, and the growth prospects for some of those new products remain very strong.

Supply chain restructure can be beneficial to investors

Supply chain disruption during the pandemic, combined with mounting geopolitical tensions has led many companies to review and re-engineer their supply chains. A recent survey by McKinsey found that almost two-thirds (64%) of respondents are currently regionalising their supply chains, up from 44% last year.4 It is a phenomenon we see across the companies in which we invest.

This ‘near-shoring’ takes different forms. Some will be bringing manufacturing back to the US, while others will look for skilled manufacturing options in friendly neighbouring countries such as Mexico. Either way, it is bringing new opportunities for US businesses. Our preferred exposures are through technology hardware, storage and peripherals and communications equipment companies, where we find beneficiaries of this trend.

The energy transition still relies on natural resources

Our focus on sustainability places a high hurdle for energy companies to be included in the portfolio, but traditional oil and gas operators are critical in the energy transition towards less carbon intensive sources. At the same time, demand for energy continues to rise: AI is energy-intensive and requires the build-out of new data centres to support it.

As a result, in the portfolio, we hold a number of attractively priced energy operators with good resource assets that have the opportunity to improve upon environmental issues or demonstrate clear leadership in sustainability. This may be through exposure to renewables or commitments to carbon neutral outcomes.

There are other themes that are tangential to AI. To date, a lot of the focus has been on the infrastructure of AI, rather than the usage of it. We believe companies with large, proprietary data sets will be in a good position to harness AI, and deploy it in their business. This may deliver significant productivity advantages.

Investors do not need to focus narrowly on artificial intelligence to find sources of growth in the US market. In reality, there are a range of structural growth themes, which have been less in the spotlight and where pricing is better as a result.

1 Morgan Stanley - Stock Market Concentration – how much is too much? - June 2024 (p2)
2 BlackRock - BRSA Half yearly report - April 2024
3 Population Reference Bureau - Factsheet: Ageing in the United States - January 2024
4 McKinsey - Tech and regionalization bolster supply chains, but complacency looms - November 2023

Risk Warnings

Investors should refer to the prospectus or offering documentation for the funds full list of risks.

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to diminish or increase. Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of a higher volatility fund and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially. Levels and basis of taxation may change from time to time.

Trust-specific risks

Capital Growth / Income Variation

Investors in the Fund should understand that capital growth is not a priority and values may fluctuate and the level of income may vary from time to time and is not guaranteed.

Currency Risk

The Fund invests in other currencies. Changes in exchange rates will therefore affect the value of the investment.

Derivatives Risk

Derivatives may be highly sensitive to changes in the value of the asset on which they are based and can increase the size of losses and gains, resulting in greater fluctuations in the value of the Fund. The impact to the Fund can be greater where derivatives are used in an extensive or complex way.

Derivative Risk (Derivatives, Options, Covered calls)

The Fund uses derivatives as part of its investment strategy. Compared to a fund which only invests in traditional instruments such as stocks and bonds, derivatives are potentially subject to a higher level of risk.

Gearing Risk

Investment strategies, such as borrowing, used by the Trust can result in even larger losses suffered when the value of the underlying investments fall.

Investment Trust Disclaimers

Net Asset Value (NAV) performance is not the same as share price performance, and shareholders may realise returns that are lower or higher than NAV performance.

Important Information

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Net Asset Value (NAV) performance is not the same as share price performance, and shareholders may realise returns that are lower or higher than NAV performance.

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