Disclosure – Non-substantive Research
This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. With this commentary, Kepler Partners LLP does not intend to influence your investment firm's behaviour.
Kepler’s investment trust ratings seek to identify the top-performing closed-ended funds in the growth, income & growth and alternative income categories. Previously presented only on our retail site, today we can unveil for both professional and retail readers the winners of the ratings for 2021. Our ratings are designed to capture attractive and persistent performance characteristics and to reward long-term success. Like all quantitative systems they are backward-looking, but we have attempted to reward those trusts which have done well in the context of their own goals and benchmarks, and which have done so for a sustained period. As the selection system is entirely quantitative, it allows us to set aside all personal biases and views – and all commercial relationships – and look at the universe in a purely objective way.
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