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This is not substantive investment research or a research recommendation, as it does not constitute substantive research or analysis. With this commentary, Kepler Partners LLP does not intend to influence your investment firm's behaviour.
Over the past three years, trusts with blended approaches rather than a strong tilt to growth or value have been at or near the top of the pack across the developed equities sectors, benefitting from their flexibility in a period of extreme style gyrations.
With likely higher, more persistent interest rates and stickier inflation, we think the sustainability of growth and/or value strategies moving forward is uncertain. The end of near-zero interest rates and fluctuating inflation suggests that these factors might not drive markets as they have in the past. We think balanced or flexible approaches could therefore provide investors a bridge between the two styles, offering diversification away from specific style biases, reducing volatility from style swings, or balancing style-heavy portfolios.
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