Fund Profile

Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies 07 July 2015

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Fund History

16 Mar 2023 Diversity matters
We examine the effect of blending multiple funds within your regional allocation and find that – while the culture wars may rumble on elsewhere – the benefits of diversity for investors are unarguable…
14 Oct 2022 Fund Analysis
SST has performed well in a tough environment thanks to its quality focus…
20 Apr 2022 On the hunt
We review discounts in the investment trust space against a backdrop of harsh conditions...
12 Jan 2022 Bargain hunt
We survey the discount opportunities in the market and update on the performance of our Discounted Opportunities Portfolio…
01 Dec 2021 Fund Analysis
SST is “better positioned than ever” following strong 2021 performance…
21 Oct 2021 Results analysis: Scottish Oriental Smaller Companies
SST’s tilt toward India has contributed to a strong set of results this year…
14 Jul 2021 Grade inflation
We look at how our discounted opportunities portfolio has done in the first half of the year and update on the performance of our long-term rated funds…
30 Jun 2021 Inflation – a real threat or hot air?
Two of our analysts ask whether recent high inflation numbers indicate something long-lasting and troubling is happening…
14 Apr 2021 Wide Boys
We review our portfolio of chonky discounts as one star performer hits its target…
14 Apr 2021 Fund Analysis
SST has performed strongly after past global crises thanks to its preference for quality companies…
14 Jan 2021 Get 'em while they're hot!
We review the widest discounts in the investment trust universe and look at our selection of attractively cheap trusts…
04 Nov 2020 Fund Analysis
SST outperformed strongly after the last global economic crisis in 2008 and is trading on a wide discount…
07 Oct 2020 The real reason to invest in India...
India is struggling economically – could there be a value opportunity in the stock market?
18 Mar 2020 Their darkest hour?
We update our shortlist of discount opportunities...
05 Mar 2020 Don't panic: the case for investing in Asia this ISA season
We examine the relationship between stock market and GDP growth, before debating the case for an allocation to Asia...
02 Oct 2019 Fund Analysis
SST’s more defensive approach has served it well in recent choppy markets…
28 Aug 2019 Quality street: can the dominant style continue to outperform?
For several years, quality as an investing style has dominated, outperforming both value and growth. We examine why the case for quality remains strong and the importance of taking an active approach…
03 Jul 2019 Push-me pull-you
Two contrasting influences are dominating the outlook for Asian markets - we analyse them and how Asia trusts are positioning their portfolios in response...
31 May 2019 Fund Analysis
SST has generated strong performance in falling markets, but is still sitting on a wide discount...
25 Jul 2018 The Endurance Growth Portfolio
The purpose of the Endurance Growth Portfolio is to generate long-term capital growth with a bias towards quality and defensive characteristics...
19 Apr 2018 When others are fearful...
We ask whether it is time to be greedy after the recent selloff in Asia equities...
19 Apr 2018 Fund Analysis
The board has taken an active approach to managing the discount, buying back shares in the mid-high teens...
24 May 2017 Hard knocks
Our long term growth model portfolio suffered a serious setback when the Brexit vote came through, but has lived up to its name since then...
24 May 2017 Fund Analysis
20 Apr 2016 A wild ride for Endurance Growth
Our long term growth model portfolio has had a white knuckle ride since launch in July...
19 Apr 2016 Fund Analysis
05 Apr 2016 Fighting spirit
Why investment trusts are the ultimate recovery play...
01 Dec 2015 A tough call for Asia investors
Fund managers are divided on the outlook for Asian equities as China sees its worse sell off since July...
07 Sep 2015 RIT Cap stands out amid market chaos
RIT Capital, the most risk averse member of The Endurance Growth Portfolio, has eked out a positive return against a backdrop of plunging markets this summer
07 Jul 2015 Fund Analysis
10 Jun 2015 The Endurance Growth Portfolio
Five investment trusts with outstanding long-term growth prospects
View all

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Current Site Kepler Trust Intelligence is produced by the investment companies team at Kepler Partners and is the UK’s premier source of detailed qualitative research on investment trusts. Absolute Hedge is a market leading UCITS research database providing proprietary research on funds, themes and strategies in the UCITS space. Kepler Liquid Strategies is a Dublin domiciled UCITS fund platform featuring a number of best-of-breed fund managers. Kepler Partners is a corporate advisory and asset raising boutique specialising in the regulated funds market in Europe and investment trusts in the UK.