Fund Profile

RIT Capital Partners 24 May 2017

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Fund History

23 Oct 2024 Fund Analysis
RCP’s evolution with a new CEO…
12 Jun 2024 How do you like them apples?
We do our best to categorise the trusts in the Flexible sector, many of which share little common ground...
17 Jan 2024 Top of the Pops
We reveal the winners of our investment trust ratings for 2024…
14 Sep 2023 Risk on, risk off
Capital preservation trusts are maintaining historically low equity levels, despite the rally seen so far in 2023…
01 Aug 2023 Results analysis: RIT Capital Partners
RCP’s interims highlight the inherent defensiveness within the portfolio…
22 Mar 2023 Fund Analysis
RCP’s recent performance - for good and bad - has been driven by private investments…
19 Oct 2022 Gimme shelter
Our analysts examine safe havens and defensive strategies as we endure the market's 19th Nervous Breakdown...
06 Jul 2022 A game of two halves
In the second article of our series on the AIC Flexible Investment sector we see how performance has stacked up during two years when markets were poles apart...
25 Mar 2022 Fund Analysis
RCP continues to deliver good risk adjusted returns…
21 Jul 2021 Every which way but loose
We break down the AIC Flexible sector into more useful segments…
16 Jun 2021 A better class of travel*
Sharing many features of a traditional family office, investment trusts offer a sophisticated, cost effective solution for managing family wealth...
30 Mar 2021 Fund Analysis
RCP continues to deliver on its aims of long-term capital growth while preserving shareholders’ capital...
19 May 2020 Shuffling back towards the door?
Equity markets have rebounded strongly… should you be de-risking your equity exposure?
29 Apr 2020 On solid ground
Our analysis of discounts highlights trusts which are likely to offer significantly less discount downside from the current level…
01 Apr 2020 Mind the gap
Discounts have yawned across trusts investing in private companies, but appearances can be deceptive and as COVID-19 unfolds it pays to take care…
30 Jan 2020 Is it time to run away?
With a sense of complacency in the air, our analysts debate the best ways to shore up your portfolio's defenses...
19 Jun 2019 Fund Analysis
Aiming to deliver long-term capital growth, while preserving shareholders’ capital...
30 Jan 2019 The Growth Portfolio
Our ten investment trust picks for long-term capital growth...
25 Jul 2018 The Endurance Growth Portfolio
The purpose of the Endurance Growth Portfolio is to generate long-term capital growth with a bias towards quality and defensive characteristics...
27 Jun 2018 A winning combination
New research from Cass Business school helps explain why closed-ended funds have outperformed their open-ended peers in the major equity sectors since 2000...
19 Apr 2018 Fund Analysis
A highly diversified portfolio of public and private investments, offering access to a full range of asset classes and many soft-closed or otherwise inaccessible managers
28 Feb 2018 Gimme shelter
As the bear market for bonds and corresponding volatility in equities escalates we examine trusts that offer excellent capital protection..
24 May 2017 Hard knocks
Our long term growth model portfolio suffered a serious setback when the Brexit vote came through, but has lived up to its name since then...
24 May 2017 Fund Analysis
Highly differentiated from the majority of other trusts by active equity and currency exposure, with a completely benchmark agnostic approach
12 Jul 2016 Fund Analysis
12 Jul 2016 Riders on the storm
Multi-asset investment trusts for an environment where a global, active, currency-aware approach is essential...
12 Jul 2016 Taking the bull by the horns
We examine the boards which have done most to fight for their shareholders' interests in an unforgiving arena...
01 Dec 2015 Model Portfolio update: Empiric, Edinburgh and RIT Cap...
The latest insight into developments across our three model portfolios...
07 Sep 2015 RIT Cap stands out amid market chaos
RIT Capital, the most risk averse member of The Endurance Growth Portfolio, has eked out a positive return against a backdrop of plunging markets this summer
10 Jun 2015 The Endurance Growth Portfolio
Five investment trusts with outstanding long-term growth prospects
View all

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Current Site Kepler Trust Intelligence is produced by the investment companies team at Kepler Partners and is the UK’s premier source of detailed qualitative research on investment trusts. Absolute Hedge is a market leading UCITS research database providing proprietary research on funds, themes and strategies in the UCITS space. Kepler Liquid Strategies is a Dublin domiciled UCITS fund platform featuring a number of best-of-breed fund managers. Kepler Partners is a corporate advisory and asset raising boutique specialising in the regulated funds market in Europe and investment trusts in the UK.