Fund Profile

Mercantile 27 June 2018


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Fund History

14 Jan 2025 Fund Analysis
MRC is positioned to benefit from a recovery of the UK economy…
25 Sep 2024 No place like home?
Our analysts debate the benefits and drawbacks of investing in what you know best…
15 Aug 2024 Buy British
Our analyst argues benchmark-aware investment strategies aren’t a human right…
26 Jun 2024 Kings for a day
As Britain heads to the polls, our analysts imagine what they'd do given a chance to implement economic reform…
29 Apr 2024 Fund Analysis
MRC’s performance has recovered, yet the trust remains at a wide discount…
17 Apr 2024 Pretty, pretty, pretty good
Do investment trusts really protect capital and income against inflation? Let's take a look…
17 Jan 2024 Top of the Pops
We reveal the winners of our investment trust ratings for 2024…
30 Aug 2023 UK OK, HUN?
Sentiment towards the UK is at rock bottom, which means only one thing…
28 Jul 2023 Fund Analysis
MRC is offering higher quality than the benchmark, which should help in uncertain times…
11 Jan 2023 Solving the Rubik’s Cube
We reveal the winners of our investment trust ratings for 2023…
30 Nov 2022 Fund Analysis
MRC is trading on a potentially attractive discount despite a focussed, quality portfolio...
26 Oct 2022 Money for nothing
Debt measured at fair value has had a positive impact on NAV returns for a number of investment trusts this year...
16 Feb 2022 Fund Analysis
MRC seeks to be the home of tomorrow’s UK market leaders…
05 May 2021 Fund Analysis
MRC has the lowest OCF in the AIC UK All Companies sector and a strong track record...
28 Apr 2021 The next value opportunity?
Two of our analysts debate whether Europe's improving vaccination programme will be the next opportunity for investors in their pursuit of returns...
19 Nov 2020 Fund Analysis
MRC has the lowest OCF in the UK All Companies sector and a strong track record...
05 Feb 2020 The best form of defence
We look at the continued rise of passive funds, and find out how investment trust managers are countering it...
29 Jan 2020 Fund Analysis
This UK focussed trust has the lowest OCF in the sector and is also trading on a discount wider than average...
27 Mar 2019 NEVeR MiND tHE B*LL*CKS
We cut through the histrionics and discover, with surprising results, what life has really been like for British investors since David Cameron put it to 'the people'....
22 Mar 2019 Fund Analysis
This UK focused trust has the lowest OCF in the sector and is also trading on a discount wider than average...
27 Jun 2018 A winning combination
New research from Cass Business school helps explain why closed-ended funds have outperformed their open-ended peers in the major equity sectors since 2000...
27 Jun 2018 Fund Analysis
The Mercantile Investment Trust is a large and liquid UK mid-cap focused investment trust...
19 Apr 2016 Brexit discount slump is a buying opportunity
Analysts believe a sharp bounce is likely if the public comes down in favour of a 'remain' vote.
15 Mar 2016 First class trusts at knockout discounts
A fire-sale by a fund of investment trusts dumping assets worth more than £650m is good news for discount hunters...
07 Jul 2015 Fund Analysis
10 Jun 2015 Blighty is back in the race
We analyse six open & closed-end sectors and highlight the funds best placed for what some believe is a 'sweet spot' for UK equities.
View all

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Current Site Kepler Trust Intelligence is produced by the investment companies team at Kepler Partners and is the UK’s premier source of detailed qualitative research on investment trusts. Absolute Hedge is a market leading UCITS research database providing proprietary research on funds, themes and strategies in the UCITS space. Kepler Liquid Strategies is a Dublin domiciled UCITS fund platform featuring a number of best-of-breed fund managers. Kepler Partners is a corporate advisory and asset raising boutique specialising in the regulated funds market in Europe and investment trusts in the UK.