Fund Profile

JPMorgan American 26 April 2018

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2025 Kepler Growth Rated Fund

This trust has been awarded a rating by Kepler Trust Intelligence for growth... Find out more

Fund History

15 Jan 2025 Any given Sunday
We ask if the stars are aligning for US small-caps…
08 Jan 2025 Kings of the castle
We reveal the winners of our 2025 investment trust ratings…
27 Nov 2024 What would Kenny Rogers do?
As the world waits for the Trump show to start in earnest, should you hold ‘em, fold ‘em, walk away or run?
20 Nov 2024 Big wheels keep on turnin’
The US election throws up several investment ideas from the mainstream to the more idiosyncratic...
17 Jul 2024 Balancing act
We ask why trusts with a more flexible approach have outperformed…
17 Jul 2024 Fund Analysis
JAM has carefully and successfully navigated the US market over several years…
03 Jul 2024 A really great stockmarket, the best, some tell me the best they’ve ever seen
US equities should be the bedrock of any diversified portfolio…
27 Mar 2024 Results analysis: JPMorgan American
JAM continues to cement its position as a core US equity trust with another year of outperformance…
01 Feb 2024 Bring some yin-yang into your portfolio in 2024
Inherent contradictions within portfolios can give them stability in a polarised world...
06 Sep 2023 You should be dancing…
North America should be a core part of any portfolio…
06 Jul 2023 Fund Analysis
JAM’s outperformance puts it in the spotlight as a low-cost, core option for US equities…
16 Mar 2023 Diversity matters
We examine the effect of blending multiple funds within your regional allocation and find that – while the culture wars may rumble on elsewhere – the benefits of diversity for investors are unarguable…
21 Nov 2022 Fund Analysis
JAM’s continued outperformance puts it in the spotlight as a low-cost, core option for US equities...
05 Oct 2022 European equities: Oui ou non?
Our analysts go head to head on the prospects for investors looking to the continent for prospective investments...
07 Sep 2022 American muscle
Beating US indices is a monumental task. We examine the closed- and open-ended North American sectors to see how they have fared…
15 Jun 2022 Staying active
We highlight several alternatives to passive investments for investors looking for core exposure in uncertain markets...
05 Apr 2022 Fund Analysis
JAM’s blended approach to US equities has allowed it to outperform in a very difficult market…
30 Mar 2022 You say tomato…
Do it yourself or put it into a global fund and leave it to the experts - our analyst debate the merits of each approach...
17 Nov 2021 How Do You Like Them Apples
Judging whether the US market is expensive is not as easy as many make it out to be…
06 Oct 2021 Fund Analysis
JAM offers investors a ‘one stop shop’ to US equities, with a core approach that has outperformed the S&P 500…
22 Apr 2021 FAANGs for the memories
The massive outperformance of mega-cap tech last year could become a thing of the past if anti-trust legislation and negative sentiment starts to bite...
31 Mar 2021 East End boys and West End girls
Our analysts debate whether the US or Asian stock markets will deliver the best returns over the next decade…
31 Mar 2021 Fund Analysis
JAM offers investors a core portfolio of US equities, blending both growth and value styles, while aiming to outperform the S&P 500…
19 Nov 2020 Hope springs eternal
The US election has given long-suffering value investors new hope of a 'great rotation' in their favour, but that light at the end of the tunnel could in fact be a train…
01 Sep 2020 Fund Analysis
In what has been a challenging year for investors, the benefits of JAM’s new approach are coming to the fore…
13 May 2020 Sea change
While global giants like Amazon still hold the weather gauge, we examine the long term prospects for a shift in the prevailing wind...
29 Apr 2020 On solid ground
Our analysis of discounts highlights trusts which are likely to offer significantly less discount downside from the current level…
13 Feb 2020 Choose your own adventure
Predicting the future is impossible, but identifying which trends have coincided in the past can give us clues about what may be to come...
05 Feb 2020 The best form of defence
We look at the continued rise of passive funds, and find out how investment trust managers are countering it...
18 Dec 2019 The squeeze continues: how trust costs keep falling
As pressure on costs remains, we reveal which trusts have achieved the most significant reductions in 2019….
12 Dec 2019 Regime change: how manager changes impact performance
Does a change in manager result in improved trust performance?
10 Dec 2019 Fund Analysis
JAM offers a reinvigorated core US equity exposure, which should help to provide protection against any future rotation between value and growth…
24 Jul 2019 Fool's gold?
We examine the relationship between how much a fund costs and how it performs, with surprising results...
26 Jun 2019 Measure for measure
In the first of a two-part series, we examine the tools investors can use to assess how active a manager actually is…
14 May 2019 Fund Analysis
JAM has been re-invigorated by a new manager set-up, due to take effect at the end of May 2019...
24 Dec 2018 Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because he was so bored of reading newspapers devoted entirely to Brexit he was hoping he’d be hit by a truck.
13 Dec 2018 Efficiency is everything
With fee structures under increasing scrutiny, we analyse which trusts limit their costs without sacrificing standards...
31 Oct 2018 The Trump effect
Two years after the shock election of Donald Trump, we take a look at what the Trump administration has really meant for US markets and the trusts that invest in them...
31 Oct 2018 Fund Analysis
One of few trusts in this sector to have outperformed the benchmark over five, ten and fifteen years...
26 Apr 2018 Fund Analysis
A North American equity fund which has outperformed the benchmark, which is notoriously hard to beat, over five, ten and 15 years...
26 Apr 2018 The $23.9 trillion dollar question*
Are US equities, which have hit record highs on 71 occasions in the last 12 months, overpriced or are they actually trading at a price worth paying?
01 Jan 2017 Fund Analysis
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Current Site Kepler Trust Intelligence is produced by the investment companies team at Kepler Partners and is the UK’s premier source of detailed qualitative research on investment trusts. Absolute Hedge is a market leading UCITS research database providing proprietary research on funds, themes and strategies in the UCITS space. Kepler Liquid Strategies is a Dublin domiciled UCITS fund platform featuring a number of best-of-breed fund managers. Kepler Partners is a corporate advisory and asset raising boutique specialising in the regulated funds market in Europe and investment trusts in the UK.