Fund Profile

Finsbury Growth & Income 06 November 2018


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Fund History

22 Jan 2025 A new Jerusalem
Dividend increases and share buybacks are good news for UK equities according to our analysts - who think those dark Satanic mills could deliver world-beating total returns...
10 Jul 2024 Things can only get better
Discounts are yawning but markets are thawing and boards are on the offensive; Labour might not be the only thing making a comeback this year...
30 Jan 2024 Fund Analysis
FGT’s performance has been disappointing, but Nick Train is optimistic on prospects…
11 Oct 2023 You say potato
Despite being in the same sector, investment trusts in the UK Equity Income sector could be more lowly correlated than you might think…
11 Jan 2023 Solving the Rubik’s Cube
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05 Jan 2022 Kepler’s top-rated trusts for 2022
We unveil the winners of our ratings for 2022 in the Growth, Income & Growth and Alternative Income categories…
20 Jan 2021 Kepler's top-rated investment trusts for 2021
We update our annual quantitative ratings for investment trusts…
06 Aug 2020 Recipe for disaster?
In this article, we assess whether the recent shift to concentrated portfolios has been beneficial or detrimental during corrections…
28 Aug 2019 Quality street: can the dominant style continue to outperform?
For several years, quality as an investing style has dominated, outperforming both value and growth. We examine why the case for quality remains strong and the importance of taking an active approach…
14 Aug 2019 Dangerous ground: the perils of timing the market
Our research shows that attempting to time the market is, more often than not, a mug's game...
15 Apr 2019 Fund Analysis
Fund manager Nick Train ignores the benchmark entirely - investing in companies which he believes will perform well...
27 Feb 2019 A marathon not a sprint
Our research shows that investment trusts' structural advantages give them a significant edge for investors seeking long term capital growth...
30 Jan 2019 The Growth Portfolio
Our ten investment trust picks for long-term capital growth...
24 Dec 2018 Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because he was so bored of reading newspapers devoted entirely to Brexit he was hoping he’d be hit by a truck.
07 Nov 2018 The Great British Buffett
New research claims to have identified the secret of Warren Buffett's success; we apply similar principles to find the UK's answer to The Sage of Omaha...
06 Nov 2018 Fund Analysis
A highly concentrated, high conviction and benchmark agnostic investment trust, run by Nick Train....
08 Aug 2018 Feeling giddy?
As valuations continue to soar, we consider a few equity trusts with different approaches to diversification and risk management...
09 Jul 2018 Fund Analysis
A highly idiosyncratic UK growth trust with a very concentrated portfolio and a low turnover stock picking approach...
09 Jul 2018 Go big or go home
The overwhelming evidence is that fund managers who are willing to back their convictions with punchy bets are the ones that tend to outperform by the highest margin...
20 Nov 2017 Thin ice
Our analysis shows the extent to which funds in the UK equity income sector are concentrated on just a few dividend paying stocks, revealing significant systemic risk…
20 Nov 2017 Fund Analysis
A differentiated UK income trust with a vigorous discount control mechanism that bears little resemblance to the index or its peers due the manager’s concentrated, stockpicking approach
12 Jul 2016 Fund Analysis
12 Jul 2016 The investment trust advantage
The UK's leading managers tell us how they use investment trusts to maximise returns...
12 Jul 2016 Taking the bull by the horns
We examine the boards which have done most to fight for their shareholders' interests in an unforgiving arena...
12 Jul 2016 Anarchy in the UK
We collate the reactions of the City's leading investment companies analysts in the wake of the EU referendum...
19 Apr 2016 Fund Analysis
05 Apr 2016 Fighting spirit
Why investment trusts are the ultimate recovery play...
13 Oct 2015 Masters of the universe
Five of the best stockpickers in the entire investment companies sector...
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Current Site Kepler Trust Intelligence is produced by the investment companies team at Kepler Partners and is the UK’s premier source of detailed qualitative research on investment trusts. Absolute Hedge is a market leading UCITS research database providing proprietary research on funds, themes and strategies in the UCITS space. Kepler Liquid Strategies is a Dublin domiciled UCITS fund platform featuring a number of best-of-breed fund managers. Kepler Partners is a corporate advisory and asset raising boutique specialising in the regulated funds market in Europe and investment trusts in the UK.