Fund Profile

UK Commercial Property REIT 21 March 2019


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This is a non-independent marketing communication commissioned by UK Commercial Property REIT. The report has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research and is not subject to any prohibition on the dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research.

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Fund History

26 Feb 2024 Strong rental growth underlines the attractions of the right commercial properties
Even as property values fell again in Q4 2023, rental growth in 2023 was positive across all the main sectors of commercial property…
05 Dec 2023 Don’t Panic!
Our analysts look for value against a backdrop of bombed out investment trust discounts…
29 Nov 2023 We need to talk about discounts
Discounts are the problem and the solution…
22 Nov 2023 Built to last
UK commercial property trusts have weathered a fierce storm, but our analysts think their fortunes may already have passed a nadir..
08 Nov 2023 Once more into the breach?
With yawning discounts across the board, some sectors have been hit harder than others - our analysts think there could be value there for those with the sangfroid to fight for it...
14 Nov 2023 Balanced Commercial Property and UK Commercial Property REIT
Dan Walsgrove and Will Fulton
Rewatch this webinar which is part of our November online event 'Discounted opportunities in a tough market'...
Watch Recording
31 May 2023 Dazed and confused
Property discounts remain stubbornly wide. Why is that and what would make them start to narrow?
24 May 2023 Five alternatives for income investors
Watch the presentations from our event focused on trusts delivering income via a diverse range of strategies…
19 May 2023 UK Commercial Property REIT
Will Fulton
Rewatch this webinar from our online series in May 'Alternatives for income investors' hosted by the team at Kepler Trust Intelligence 15-19 May…
Watch Recording
22 Mar 2023 Good vibrations
We identify some sectors with structural discounts we think could close over time…
02 Mar 2023 Podcast: Trust Issues #12 - Valuations, discounts and rent increases, with UKCM's Will Fulton
We speak to the Abrdn manager about the state of commercial property...
05 Dec 2022 Fund Analysis
UKCM’s high-quality portfolio is delivering income growth even as capital values wobble…
08 Jun 2022 Safe as warehouses
We look into the attractions of the often-overlooked commercial property sector…
04 May 2022 Time to change the record
We ask whether equities can still offer meaningful diversification or whether investors need to turn to alternatives…
26 Apr 2022 Fund Analysis
UKCM looks well-placed to grow the dividend this year and further on…
09 Sep 2021 Fund Analysis
UKCM is in a strong position to take advantage of post-pandemic opportunities...
30 Mar 2021 Fund Analysis
UKCM has weathered the pandemic, and now has cash to invest for income growth…
17 Mar 2021 After the storm
We look at the outlook for dividends in the UK commercial property sector and consider how the portfolio of the future will look after COVID…
26 Aug 2020 Fund Analysis
UKCM’s portfolio is well set up to be resilient to the current downturn…
10 Jun 2020 Pick your poison
We try to identify the best compromises between yield, value and security in the property sectors…
09 Dec 2019 Fund Analysis
UKCM is well positioned to take advantage of property market volatility…
21 Mar 2019 Fund Analysis
A commercial property trust focused on sectors and locations benefiting from structural change in society and the economy...
13 Mar 2019 Carry on doctor
With a sector average yield of 4.5% and a highly differentiated risk profile, the primary healthcare sector could be a healthy addition to the property portfolios of income-hungry investors...
28 Nov 2018 Fund Analysis
UKCM aims for an attractive income with the potential for income and capital growth from commercial property investments.
14 Nov 2018 Future shock
How the commercial property sector is coping with widespread disruption caused by the rise of the internet...
16 Oct 2018 The Investment Trust Advantage
Our recent conference for discretionary fund managers saw some of the UK's leading fund managers discussing the outlook for the world's major regions and asset classes...
29 May 2018 Fund Analysis
UK Commercial Property Trust (UKCM) is a large and liquid portfolio of commercial properties that aims to generate an attractive income with the potential for capital growth...
22 Mar 2018 Property income: opportunities for growth during structural change
Standard Life Investments' Will Fulton thinks income will play an important role for property investors in 2018 as capital growth continues to wane...
30 Oct 2017 Fund Analysis
A conservatively managed UK property trust with a focus on industrial and defensive, dominant ‘out of town’ retail properties
30 Oct 2017 Bricking it
As equity income stocks continue to soar, we examine commercial property as an alternative for those who fear a correction is imminent...
08 Aug 2016 New fund research for August
We identify four investment trusts which stand our for different reasons and examine them in detail...
08 Aug 2016 Hot property
We examine the battered property sector in the wake of Brexit and highlight three trusts which we think are worth a closer look...
08 Aug 2016 Fund Analysis
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Current Site Kepler Trust Intelligence is produced by the investment companies team at Kepler Partners and is the UK’s premier source of detailed qualitative research on investment trusts. Absolute Hedge is a market leading UCITS research database providing proprietary research on funds, themes and strategies in the UCITS space. Kepler Liquid Strategies is a Dublin domiciled UCITS fund platform featuring a number of best-of-breed fund managers. Kepler Partners is a corporate advisory and asset raising boutique specialising in the regulated funds market in Europe and investment trusts in the UK.